Experience days
These are for bird enthusiasts who would like to come along and spend a day learning more about these wonderful creatures. Start the day with coffee/tea and a short introduction to the laws relating to birds of prey; then move on to the safety aspects of handling the birds and the equipment needed to do this. Then you’re ready to meet the hawks, falcons and owls and to see them fly. Finally, it’s your turn to be really involved with and excited by these majestic birds, as you take your chance to handle and fly them for yourself.
Hawking Days
We start the day with coffee/tea and a short briefing about the birds and the laws relating to birds of prey. Quickly moving on to consider the important safety aspects of handling birds of prey, we get equipped and then make an introduction to the birds. Now you’re ready to go!
Hunting or Hawk Walking
If your interest is in hunting, which can take up the whole day, then we shall take a short ride to one of three sites in the local Warwickshire and Northamptonshire countryside. Quarry is plentiful and we shall spend the morning working with the birds, before taking a break for lunch. After lunch, off we go again, this time with a fresh bird. Unfortunately, it can be a physically tiring day, but it’s well worth it with lots of fresh air, beautiful countryside ….and maybe a little something to take home to feed the hard working birds.
If hunting is not for you then how about a Hawk walk? Again, just a short ride away is the beautiful Warwickshire and Northamptonshire countryside. This time we take the scenic route, not looking for game but taking time for you to enjoy the flights of the birds. Hawk walks usually last for a complete morning or afternoon, so please come prepared for lots of exercise.
At all times, whilst with any of the birds, you are accompanied by an experienced qualified falconer, for your safety as well as that of the birds.